Top 3 Ways Colleges Benefit From an Air Dome on Campus
December 18, 2023

Top 3 Ways Colleges Benefit From an Air Dome on Campus

The Game-Changing Impact of Herox Tennis Air Domes on College Campuses

Air-supported structures, or sports domes, are becoming increasingly popular in college athletics for their versatility and cost-effectiveness. Herox's tennis air domes offer a variety of sports, including tennis, at a fraction of traditional building costs. These domes are durable, lasting 20 to 25 years, and feature airlocks, insulation, emergency systems, and fire-retardant fabric, all tailored to local codes and climates.

Colleges like Princeton, Seneca, and Thiel have already reaped the benefits of these domes, which offer:

  1. Home-Field Advantage: Domes provide a year-round, optimal training environment, eliminating weather-related disruptions and giving teams a competitive edge.
  2. Recruitment Magnet: With wellness increasingly important to students, domes symbolize a commitment to sports and recreation, making them a key attraction for prospective students.
  3. Revenue Generator: Beyond educational value, domes offer financial benefits. They can be rented out for community events, sports leagues, and various functions, boosting institutional and local economy.

In short, Herox air domes are not just sports facilities; they're multi-purpose investments enhancing campus life, student appeal, and financial sustainability.


