About us

We are proud to have a team of experienced and dedicated professionals who are committed to providing exceptional service to our clients.

Our Values

Seek Excellence

We do not seek to preserve our culture — we seek to improve it. Every person who joins us helps to shape and evolve the culture further. We find new ways to accomplish more together. Every few years we can feel a real difference in how much more effectively we are operating than in the past. We are learning faster than ever because we have more dedicated people with diverse perspectives trying to find better ways for our talented team to work together more cohesively, nimbly and effectively.
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We do as we say
When we say we will do it
And how it was expected to be done
And if it can’t be done, we tell you immediately & fix the issue
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You communicate with clarity (using words like magic) in speech and writing
You listen well and seek to understand before reacting
You maintain calm poise in stressful situations to draw out the clearest thinking
You show humbleness by asking questions, not assuming you know what the other party is thinking
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Freedom & Responsability

There are companies where people walk by trash on the floor in the office, leaving it for someone else to pick it up, and there are companies where people in the office lean down to pick up the trash they see, as they would at home. We try hard to be the latter, a company where everyone feels a sense of responsibility to do the right thing to help the company at every juncture. Picking up the trash is the metaphor for taking care of problems, small and large, and never thinking“that’s not my job.” We don’t have rules about picking up the real or metaphoric trash. We try to create the sense of ownership so that this behaviour comes naturally.Our goal is to inspire people more than manage them. We trust our teams to do what they think is best for HeroX — giving them lots of freedom, power, and information in support of their decisions. In turn, this generates a sense of responsibility and self-discipline that drives us to do great work that benefits everyone at the company.
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You set your own targets
You set your own action plan in order to reach your target
You take responsibility & do your action plan
You can focus, simplify and suggest better solutions
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We learn rapidly and eagerly
We Read/Listen to a book per month
We consult with peers weekly
We consult as a team on how we can improve the experience we deliver
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Great Benefits

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100% Remote

Impactful Mission

Flexible Hours

High Commissions

Career Growth

Great Culture