How to Prepare Your Dome for Snow
December 19, 2023

How to Prepare Your Dome for Snow

Essential Management Strategies

Snow management remains a critical concern for dome operators throughout the winter season. It’s essential to have a snow management plan in place well ahead of the winter months. Here are some key steps to ensure your dome is prepared for the snowy season.

Ensure Your Generator is Ready

Blizzards can bring power outages, and without a functioning backup generator, a dome is at risk of deflation. Regularly test your generator to ensure it's operational, fuelled, and can activate without delay when power loss occurs.

Keep Your Furnace in Top Condition

A well-maintained heating system is crucial. Activate your dome's furnace prior to the onset of heavy snow. A consistent warm temperature inside the dome is a natural deterrent to snow accumulation, as it encourages snow to slide off the structure.

Strategize Snow Removal

As snow descends the dome’s sides, it accumulates at the base, particularly on the side facing the wind. It's imperative to clear this buildup promptly to alleviate pressure on the dome's structure. However, caution is vital—removal equipment, if not carefully handled, can damage the dome's membrane.

Proactive and thorough snow management is essential to safeguard your dome from the harsh impacts of winter weather. By following these steps, dome owners and operators can minimize the risk of snow-related emergencies and ensure their structures remain safe and functional throughout the season.


