Installing photovoltaic solar panels on building roofs is highly practical, offering a unique production method that requires no labor. The true advantage of photovoltaic technology is the possibility of having a photovoltaic structure built for free through a straightforward financing system. By financing the structure and solar panels over a longer period (10+ years), the energy produced either for your use or sold to the grid can exceed the monthly payment costs, effectively providing a no-cost solution to generate additional revenue for your club.
This article provides all the necessary information about photovoltaic structures and their financing:
A photovoltaic structure is a covered building, typically 60 x 120 ft or 7,200 sq ft, equipped with solar panels that generate electricity. This renewable, non-polluting energy can be consumed or sold, allowing you to further develop your activities.
The cost of a turnkey photovoltaic structure varies depending on the type of structure, financing conditions, connection costs, and the level of customization. On average, a 60 x 120 ft structure costs around $500,000 USD.
Other Requirements:
Although a photovoltaic structure requires an initial investment, it can often be financed with zero down payment over seven years or longer. The income from selling electricity or from self-consumption typically covers the payment plan, making the structure virtually cost-free.
Self-Financing Explained:
If a free photovoltaic structure meets your club's needs, let's discuss the potential collaboration. Choosing a free photovoltaic structure is a simple, quick, and effective way to maximize ROI for your tennis club. However, ensure your project is profitable before proceeding. For a quick and sustainable start, HeroX offers free, no-obligation consultations to guide you through the process. Click the link here to schedule a meeting.