Air Dome Cleaning
December 18, 2023

Air Dome Cleaning

Maintaining clean air domes is crucial

Maintaining clean air domes is crucial for their longevity and effectiveness.

  1. Cleaning Techniques: Depending on the size and material of your air dome, different cleaning methods may be required. For most domes, gentle washing with a mild detergent and a soft-bristled brush can effectively remove dirt. For larger or more delicate structures, consider hiring professionals with the right equipment to handle the task safely.
  2. Preventive Measures: To minimize the need for frequent cleanings, take preventive measures such as storing the air dome during the summer season in a shed, not under direct sunlight. Also, ensure that the area surrounding the air dome is clean and free of debris that could be transferred to the dome's fabric.‍
  3. Professional Assistance: If you're unsure about the best way to clean your air dome or if it requires specialized care, don't hesitate to call in experts. Professional cleaning services can provide the necessary equipment and expertise to clean your dome safely and effectively.

Remember, a well-maintained air dome not only looks better but also performs better, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for its users.


